12. August 2021
CIRCULAR WORK WEAR – New cooperation with milani
Wir kooperieren mit der führenden Schweizer Innovations- und Designagentur milani, um Arbeitsbekleidung zu gestalten, die unternehmerisch attraktiv und nachhaltig ist.
19. March 2021
Intertextile Shanghai Apparel Fabrics X CN-BC Joint Brokerage Event
On the 18th March, the Beneficial Design Institute took part in the first digital joint brokerage event by the Cooperation Network Berlin & China (CN-BC) during the INTERTEXTILE SHANGHAI APPAREL FABRICS trade fair in China.
20. November 2020
Bundespreis Ecodesign 2020
Der Bundespreis Ecodesign wurde bereits zum neunten Mal für zukunftsweisende, umweltverträgliche Projekte verliehen und hat mit den diesjährigen Gewinnerkonzepten zwischen kreislauffähiger Jeansherstellung und virtueller Reise aufgezeigt, wie vielfältig Lösungen für nachhaltige Lebensweisen sein können.
5. July 2019
Better Buying Practices – How to Empower Buyers
The international Fashionsustain, as a conference of Neonyt, has been accompanying the Fashion Week in Berlin for several seasons and offers a stage for sustainable focal points and questions of the fashion industry. For the Fashion Week Summer 2019 we were invited to present our study on purchasing practices in the fast fashion industry for the first time in public.
16. June 2019
Worth Partnership Project
With the research project OCEANWWEAR we could realize a successful kick-off event with our partner Tam-Silk Oy from Finland.
1. June 2018
Sustainable Textile School 2018
To offer the participants of the second Sustainable Textile School an exciting and inspiring forum for sustainability in textile production, the Advisory Board got together in the run-up to the Sustainable Textile School to jointly create this year's program.
30. June 2017
OSCEdays 2017
On June 30, 2017 the Open Source Circular Economy Days Berlin took place in cooperation with the International Design Center Berlin and the Berlin Economic Development Corporation Berlin Partner für Wirtschaft und Technologie GmbH.
24. February 2017
C2C Expert Forum
At the end of February, the Cradle to Cradle e.V. invited C2C experts for the second time to discuss the successes and challenges of the C2C principle.