1. July 2021
Strike A Pose Festival
Prof. Friederike von Wedel-Parlow wurde dazu eingeladen auf dem Strike A Pose Festival in Düsseldorf über die Demokratisierung der Mode und The New Normal zu sprechen.
6. February 2021
202030 The Berlin Fashion Summit – Kick-Off im Januar 2021
Together with studio MM04 and Sqetch, Beneficial Design Institute co-organized the first edition of 202030 - The Berlin Fashion Summit - a new interdisciplinary platform where avant-garde creatives, critical grassroots protagonists and industry players explore collective approaches to future fashion systems.
12. February 2020
Green Knowledge – A guide to sustainability in the fashion industry
Green Knowledge, an A-Z guide to sustainability in fashion, includes sustainable producers, brands and certification, as well as interviews and contributions from experts. Friederike von Wedel-Parlow is one of the authors, with a guest contribution on the new democratization of fashion and the potential of the eco and fair fashion niche.
6. February 2020
Bundespreis Ecodesign 2019
The Bundespreis Ecodesign was awarded for the eighth time by the Federal Environment Ministry and the Federal Environment Agency (UBA). Friederike von Wedel-Parlow was once again invited as a member of an interdisciplinary jury to award twelve talents for their particularly innovative, environmentally sound and future-oriented work.